Retrofit-first sustainable vision
for the Avon House Estate

20 Stratford Place

M & G Real Estate and Oxygen are delighted to present a public consultation on proposals for renewed investment in the Avon House Estate.

We are proposing a retrofit-first sustainable restoration and rejuvenation of the Avon House Estate to secure its long term future in line with local priorities and current market demand.
Our proposals will rejuvenate a valued local asset, with a retrofit-first design approach conserving and enhancing the existing buildings, with sensitive, localised interventions. Our retrofit-first vision follows an attractive and considerate design in keeping with the local character of the area, whilst being sympathetic to the site’s unique heritage and congruent with the historic area. Our aspiration is to provide a scheme which is aligned with local priorities and current market demand to support future growth and jobs in the West End with flexible and modern workspace, whilst achieving excellent sustainability and biodiversity enhancements.
Ahead of submitting a planning application to Westminster City Council, we want to hear your feedback and perspectives to shape the development of our plans. Please read on to find out more information about the buildings that are comprising the Avon House Estate and its history, our proposals, and how you can get involved in our public consultation.
The Site

The wider estate and the case for the restoration

Located along Oxford Street just opposite Bond Street Underground Station, ‘The Avon House Estate’ is a site comprising of four buildings and a shared central courtyard. The Estate occupies the majority of the urban block bounded by Oxford Street to the south, Gee’s Court to the west, St. Christopher’s Place to the north and Stratford Place to the east.
The buildings relevant to our proposals are:
Swan House, whilst forming part of the wider estate, is generally excluded from the scope of these proposals, except for a revised estate wide access strategy and improved access strategy.

The majority of the ground, first and basement floors are retail use and only the new and relocated office receptions form part of the scope of our proposals. 

The site is located within the Stratford Place Conservation Area.
The Grade II listed corner plot is treated as two distinct buildings in the statutory listings: Nos. 360-366 Oxford Street and No. 20 Stratford Place.The other 3 buildings forming part of the Avon House Estate are not listed.
The site has undergone many changes and alterations over the years. However, the current site presents a number of challenges that are preventing it from contributing to the local economy in the way it could. This restricts the environmental sustainability targets that would future-proof the building.
Previous unsympathetic alterations are causing heritage harm and the current fabric condition is need of upgrading. The existing entrances to the offices have limited street frontage and presence. Our proposals represent a great opportunity to create a flexible and sustainable modern workspace with an improved arrival experience and introduce excellent sustainability and thermal performance credentials to the site.

The Site Overview

20 Stratford Place occupies the corner of Oxford Street and Stratford Place. It is a Grade II listed building, the site is treated as two distinct buildings in the statutory listings: 360-366 Oxford Street and No. 20 Stratford Place. The basement, ground and first floor are predominately retail use and out of scope in this proposal, whilst the upper floors are office workspace accessed from Stratford Place.
2 Gee’s Court occupies the corner of Oxford Street and Gee’s Court. The basement, ground and first floors are mainly retail use and out of scope pf these proposals. This retail unit is currently undergoing a refurbishment (19/10008/FULL). The scope in this proposal includes the refurbishment of the 2nd-6th floors.

4 Gee’s Court is located to the north of the site, with retail at ground, the scope includes refurbishment of the basement and upper floor office levels.

Swan House, whilst forming part of the wider estate, is excluded from the scope of these proposals.

Our Proposals

Our vision for the site includes the retrofit-first sustainable restoration and rejuvenation of the Avon House Estate to secure its long term future in line with local priorities and current market demand.

Provide a flexible modern workspace

Sustainable retrofit-first restoration and rejuvenation of the estate

Support future growth and jobs in the West End

Improve sustainability and increase biodiversity gain

Improve the accessibility and arrival experience

Create welcoming amenity space

Retrofit-first rejuvenation of Avon House Estate to secure its long-term future by creating a quality workspace that meets the demand for modern occupiers.

Overall, our proposals will rejuvenate a significant area of the Oxford Street and Bond Street area, and make Avon House Estate a competitive workspace within an area renowned for commercial appeal

Restoring and rejuvenating Avon House Estate’s key buildings to be more sympathetic to their unique heritage and congruent with the historic area.

Sustainability and biodiversity enhancement exceeding regulatory standards

Overall, our proposals follow a retrofit-first sustainable design approach that will preserve and enhance the existing buildings.

Creating a more welcoming and activated Courtyard

Considerate of neighbouring amenity

Indicative images
20 Stratford Place:
2 & 4 Gee’s Court:
The team

M&G Real Estate is the owner of the building and is recognised as one of the world’s leading property investors. M & G truly believes in sustainability and in the need to create genuine social value for the communities in the areas they invest in. 

Alongside Oxygen, who are the development managers for these proposals, they have partnered with a number of social organisations to deliver genuine social value, for the area it operates in.

The wider team

Delivering Social Value

Oxygen and M & G Real Estate have partnered with a number of social organisations to deliver genuine social value, for the area it operates in. One of these is CollectEco, an organisation which helps companies to donate furniture, materials and equipment to good causes.

So far, through this partnership a total kit valued at £70,718 has been donated to the community in support of 10 good causes. These donations have translated to a total of 39,935 kg of Co2 being avoided with 16,804 kg diverted from landfill. These materials have been donated to support multiple organisations including charities, schools, non-profits.

These organisations include Clipstone Miners Community Trust, Sheppey Sea Cadets, Rebel Business School, Start2Finish and Mugeni Montage, a not for profit that helps young people from underprivileged backgrounds.

Rebel Business School said:

''We are a CIC, supporting local communities, disadvantaged people and those furthest from the job market to explore self-employment to deliver empowerment and social mobility using entrepreneurship as the vehicle. The donated furniture has been used to furnish a brand new community co-working space to fund on-going support, courses and projects for the local community and to aid social mobility as one of the most important things we can focus on to support the community to get going and create their own opportunities''.

Have your say

We want to hear your feedback on our vision for the Avon House Estate to shape the development of our plans.

If you would like printed copies of the material or have any further questions, please do get in touch using the contact details on this website.

Online Survey

Please fill in our online survey to let us know your feedback on the proposals

Available till: Monday 6th May